Everyone who works here at Citron is snapping up a copy of this new book from Laura Keogh and Ceri Marsh. We’re delighted to get some help and ideas for feeding our families on busy school nights.
Chapters include Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks.
I’m personally looking forward to the chapter called “Your Strategy: Be a Lunch Ninja.” Jen is counting on gleaning valuable advice in the “Your Strategy: Leftover Makeovers” chapter. We’ll also probably find the meal prep chapter really helpful too.
You can check out a recipe from the book, School Safe Chocolate Snack Balls, at the authors’ website, Sweet Potato Chronicles.
There’s also a review, and photos from the inside of the book over at Honest Cooking.
The book trailer is here:
Do yourself a favor if you have school-aged kids and check out School Year Survival!